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- /******************************************************************************/
- /* */
- /* ChangeBound */
- /* Copyright ©1997 by Dick Whiting */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* This program will make MIMED mail readable in Yam that has the boundary */
- /* set to ALL dashes. Boundary lines and the End Boundary are changed to */
- /* a new value that Yam will be happy with. */
- /* */
- /* NOTE: This one, like my other ones, retains the date/timestamp of the */
- /* original mail and its filenote. */
- /* */
- /* NOTE: IF someone manages to have a line of DASHES of EXACTLY the correct */
- /* length of the original boundary, this script and therefore Yam */
- /* will STILL be confused. */
- /* */
- /* SUGGESTION: Write to the Digest/List administrator and suggest using a */
- /* Boundary value that will NOT be accidentally found in someone's */
- /* mail. A good choice would be something with a datetime stamp and */
- /* maybe the digest number. */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* If you use YamTools you can use this one as a TYPE=ONCE to apply to mail */
- /* selected one at a time from YAM, or TYPE=MAIL to do all mail selected */
- /* from a YamTools list. Remember that you CAN define two buttons using */
- /* same script but with different TYPES. */
- /* */
- /* If you don't use YamTools--why not;) */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Standard Disclaimer: I wrote it, it works for me, I don't guarantee */
- /* that it will do anything productive for anyone else, etc. etc. ;-) */
- /* */
- /*HOWEVER, if you DO find a use for it: I homeschool my kids and they */
- /*would love a postcard from where EVER you live. */
- /* */
- /*Instant GEOGRAPHY lesson;) */
- /* */
- /* */
- /*POSTCARDS: Dick Whiting */
- /* 28590 S. Beavercreek Rd. */
- /* Mulino, Oregon 97042 */
- /* USA */
- /* */
- /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
- /* */
- /* Address Bug Reports or Comments to: */
- /* Dick Whiting <dwhiting@europa.com> */
- /* 19 July 1997 */
- /* */
- /******************************************************************************/
- /*
- $VER: 1.0 Copyright ©1997 by Dick Whiting
- $AUTHOR: Dick Whiting
- $DESCRIPTION: Change Boundary of all dashes to new value
- */
- options results
- argpassed=''
- parse arg argpassed
- Call Localize
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* Find out the necessary information about the file */
- /******************************************************************************/
- Init:
- if ~show('L','rexxsupport.library') then do
- addlib('rexxsupport.library',0,-30)
- end
- Address YAM 'getmailinfo file'
- mfile=result
- slpos=lastpos('/',mfile)
- copos=lastpos(':',mfile)
- filename=strip(substr(mfile,max(slpos,copos)+1))
- tmpfile = 'T:'||filename /* temporary file */
- fstate=statef(mfile) /* file information */
- fbytes=subword(fstate,2,1) /* length of file */
- fdate=subword(fstate,5,1) /* internal date */
- fmins=subword(fstate,6,1) /* minutes since midnite*/
- fticks=subword(fstate,7,1) /* ticks past minutes */
- fcomm=subword(fstate,8) /* old comment */
- fdate=date('E',fdate,'I') /* get date in ddmmyy */
- fdate=translate(fdate,'-','/') /* convert / to - */
- hh=fmins%60 /* get hours */
- hh=right(hh,2,'0') /* force to 2 digits */
- mm=fmins//60 /* get minutes */
- mm=right(mm,2,'0') /* force to 2 digits */
- ss=fticks%50 /* seconds */
- ss=right(ss,2,'0') /* force it */
- ftime=hh||':'||mm||':'||ss /* timestamp rebuilt */
- TRUE=1
- FixBound=FALSE
- header=TRUE
- outopen=FALSE
- newbound='Modified.by.ChangeBound.rexx.'date()'.'time()
- newbound=translate(newbound,'..',' :')
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* Do the actual modifications to the mail file. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- ChangeBounds:
- if open('OUT',tmpfile,'W') then do
- outopen=TRUE
- if open('IN',mfile,'R') then do
- do until eof('IN')
- linein = readln('IN')
- select
- when header & linein='' then header=FALSE
- when header & upper(word(linein,1))='CONTENT-TYPE:' then do
- boundpos=pos('BOUNDARY=',upper(linein))
- if boundpos>0 then do
- bound1=substr(linein,1,boundpos+8)
- boundary=substr(linein,boundpos+9)
- boundary=strip(boundary,'B','"')
- if boundary~='' & verify('-',boundary)=0 then do
- oldbound='--'||boundary
- oldend=oldbound||'--'
- boundary=newbound
- linein=bound1||'"'||newbound||'"'
- newbound='--'||newbound
- newend=newbound||'--'
- FixBound=TRUE
- end
- else do
- leave
- end
- end
- end
- when strip(linein,'B')=oldbound then linein=newbound
- when strip(linein,'B')=oldend then linein=newend
- otherwise nop
- end
- foo=writeln('OUT',linein)
- end
- foo=close('IN')
- foo=close('OUT')
- outopen=FALSE
- if FixBound then do
- Address Command 'C:Copy 'tmpfile' 'mfile
- Address Command 'SetDate ' mfile fdate ftime
- Address Command 'Filenote ' mfile '"'fcomm'"'
- end
- end
- if outopen then do
- foo=close('OUT')
- end
- Address Command 'Delete 'tmpfile 'QUIET'
- end
- if argpassed='' then do
- if FixBound then do
- Address YAM 'request "'donemsg'" "'yesnomsg'"'
- ans=result
- if ans=1 then do
- Address YAM 'mailupdate'
- end
- end
- else do
- Address YAM 'request "'goodBmsg'" "'okmsg'"'
- end
- end
- exit
- /******************************************************************************/
- /* Variables available for localization. */
- /******************************************************************************/
- Localize:
- donemsg='Done..Update Index?'
- yesnomsg='Yes|No'
- goodBmsg='Good boundary..exiting'
- okmsg='OK'